What will an Early Intervention evaluation tell me about my child?
During an evaluation, the early intervention team will gather information about your child to answer specific questions about your child’s development. An early intervention evaluation will give you & the early intervention team information about your child’s development & help decide if there is a need for ongoing early intervention services.
The early intervention evaluation will look at gross motor skills, fine motor skills, communication, speech, language, sensory, social & emotional development, cognitive, adaptive and self-help skills.
Download/print developmental checklists: In English En Español
Who is eligible for early intervention services?
In New Jersey, infants and toddlers are eligible for early intervention services if they are under 3 years of age and meet the following criteria:
2.0 standard deviation below the mean in one developmental area OR
1.5 standard deviation below the mean in two or more of the development areas OR
Medically diagnosed physical or mental condition that typically results in developmental delay (for example, Down Syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, etc.)
What can I expect from the Early Intervention process?
Download/print this walkthrough of steps in the Early Intervention process.
Descargue/imprima este tutorial de los pasos del proceso de Intervención Temprana.
Regional Early Intervention Collaboratives (REICs) are a partnership of families and early intervention providers working together to ensure high quality early intervention services for children with special needs (ages 0-3) and their families living in New Jersey.
The REICs work to assure access to and availability of individualized early intervention services and assists families as they work to meet their children’s needs in their home and community.
“Through our sameness we connect, through our differences, we grow.”
–Virginia Satir, World Renowned Family Therapist
If your child should be crawling, walking or talking, but isn’t, call for information
about resources and services for your child under age 3.
(888) 653-4463
The Regional Early Intervention Collaboratives (REICs) are funded by the New Jersey Department of Health Early Intervention System with funds from Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).